Friday, January 31, 2020

Women in Psychology Essay Example for Free

Women in Psychology Essay Inez Beverly Posser (1895-1934) was America’s first Black female psychologist. Not only is this significant in itself, it is also the adversity she overcame growing up to get there. And later, in the profound research in her dissertation that caused controversy as well as groundbreaking discoveries regarding education and integration vs. segregation as it relates to psychology. Inez was born into a family with 10 other siblings where she attended â€Å"schools for colored† in Texas. Since her family was poor, it was decided early on that they could only afford to send the oldest child (a son named Leon) to college, and once graduated that he would pave the way financially to help his siblings to attend college. However, it was apparent that Inez’s desire to attend college was greater than her brothers. Leon realized this and persuaded his parents to send her to college instead. Inez attended a historically black college at Prairie View AM University. With a two year certificate she began to teach elementary school and then worked as a teacher at a high school. (this teaching experience, I’m sure, will prove influential in her later research topic, where she addressed segregated vs. integrated public schools). She went on to finish her Bachelors Degree at Samuel Houston college in 1926. To attend graduate school she was forced to leave Texas due to segregation. Undeterred, she completed her Master’s degree at the University of Colorado and in 1933 she received her PhD in psychology at the University of Cincinnati. The first female African American to achieve this degree. What makes Inez a pioneer in psychology was the fact that she was the first female African American to earn her PhD in psychology in America. Coupled with her research and study of segregated vs. integrated schools, of which she did her dissertation. Her conclusions  from that research, caused much controversy with the citizens as well as amongst her peers. (para 6) It is in this research where she concluded that black school children fare far better in black schools than they do in integrated schools. Her findings were controversial in their time. It is interesting to note that her conclusions of this study came decades before the Brown vs. Board of Education Court decision in 1954. In fact, even before the Civil Rights movement took hold across the country. (online: Civil Rights Timeline, authors: Brunner Haney, 2007). She had some support from other prominent African American figures of that time. One of those prominent figures that reluctantly agreed with her research was W.E.B. Dubois, believing that until the prejudicial attitudes of the white teachers against black students changed, only then would integrated schools be a positive environment for black students. (Americas First Black Female Psychologist,† 2008, p.1 para 6) In her research, through a psychological perspective, she examined self-esteem and personality variables in the African American middle school students attending integrated schools, and the African American middle school students attending segregated schools in the Cincinnati area. In her conclusion she found that black children in schools with black classmates being taught by black teachers fared far better than the students alike in the integrated schools. Even more astounding, â€Å"she found that the children from the integrated schools experienced more social maladjustment, felt less secure in their social relations, and had less satisfactory relations with their families. They were also more likely to feel inferior at school, had less satisfactory relationships with their teachers and were more eager to leave school early.†( Americas First Black Female Psychologist,† 2008, p.1 para.5). Why did Inez’s research and conclusion cause such controversy? There are many  different views that can be drawn on the research and conclusions. First, since Inez was African American herself, this may have conflicted within her African American community. Why? Since African Americans have been struggling for equal rights and equality in education, this would seem to go against what her own race has been struggling to achieve. On the surface it would appear that way. However, her research was from a psychological perspective that had not yet been considered or researched. Ironically, her conclusions in her study in her dissertation could also be useful as the topic of desegregation that did not come along until decades after her study. The question that was answered even before its time, is how desegregation would effect the students themselves. Would this have a positive or negative effect on their education? If equality was to be reached in the public school system wouldn’t this have to also mean that the African American students would also fare better than in integrated schools? What’s the use in achieving desegregation if it is going to have such a negative impact on the African American students? If you will notice, the word â€Å"integrated† is used in place of â€Å"desegregation† in her study since desegregation had not yet even been addressed! As you can imagine, many different views, arguments, and psychological perspectives can be drawn from Inez’s research and conclusions on integrated schools vs. segregated schools. Hence, any time a psychological study can stir controversy, arguments, or ideas within the psychology community, that in itself proves it is a study of great significance! At a time when prejudice ran deep, where women were trying to gain equality, and segregation was still in force; most citizens would not even consider or given much thought on such a controversial topic as segregation vs. integration. Nor was there ever any studies, that I am aware of, as to how it affects the students themselves. Inez was way beyond her time in not  only her acceptance as a psychologist by her peers, but in her dissertation where she voiced her results of the study. She was a pioneer for Black women in the field of psychology. Sadly, Inez’s life was cut short in a tragic car crash near Shreveport, La. after returning from a visit with her family in Texas. She was 38 years old at the time of her death. (An approximation, since her actual birth date is unknown) Thankfully, she was able to help six of her siblings financially to attend college, and was instrumental in helping many black students in gaining college funds for college and graduate school. (para 8) Since her untimely death at such a young age, it begs one to wonder, how much more she could have contributed to the field of psychology? The inscription on her tombstone reads: â€Å"How Many Hopes Lie Buried Here†. I guess this is a question that is the sentiment of many. Afterthought In reading her conclusions of her research, coupled with a previous experience, I can see that this makes sense: Coming from an all white school myself growing up, it was only when I entered high school did I encounter one black student who attended our school. I later befriended him and he explained to me that he came from an â€Å"all Black† school, but due to a move from an â€Å"all Black† area, he was transferred here. He voiced his feelings of inferiority. Not only did he feel he did not â€Å"fit in†, he wanted to go back to the â€Å"all Black† school. What is significant to mention is that he was also well behind his classmates in his studies when he arrived at the high school. This is important because it makes it clear that the â€Å"all Black† school was inferior in the education he was receiving. Since he started out behind the rest of the students, it was a constant struggle to get his grades even up to a C. This seems to conclude that the Black schools coupled with poorer neighborhoods tend to lack in the better education that is offered in the all white, upper class neighborhoods. That in itself is an inequality that I observed through this student. Despite the fact that he knew this school afforded him a better education than he was receiving, he still did \not want to be here and wanted to go back to his old school where he â€Å"fit in†. As I read Inez’s conclusion, through my experience with my Black friend, I feel it further enforced her findings.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Choclate Happiness :: Happiness Essays

A smile, a laugh, a quick thought, starry nights, walking in warm rain storms, playing soccer, chocolate; these are all things that make me happy. It may be different for the person sitting next to me in my advanced composition class, but everyone feels it. Happiness is an emotion that is the product of an object or an event. It is something that makes a man in his years of aged wisdom stop, smile, and think of happy times. To me happiness is like a piece of chocolate, it is something that everyone wants, something that we sometimes have to work hard for, and something that is always worth the risk of acting in order to have it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Everyone wants chocolate. The food of the gods! Chocolate covered cherries, chocolate cake, chocolate mints, white chocolate, dark chocolate, milk chocolate, chocolate, and more chocolate. It is plain to see chocolate is a happiness for me. For those who don’t like chocolate it is the same concept. There is something out there that an individual person just can’t get enough of, just one of those little things that make them enormously happy. It doesn’t matter if that be chocolate, playing football, or holding the hand of a loved one, everyone has something out there that makes him or her happy, and everyone desires to have that feeling. Bear with me for a moment and participate in a little experiment. Think of something that makes you as an individual happier then anything else in the world. Think of the number one thing on that incredibly long list of nouns that describe happiness, and ponder it for a moment. what emotion are you feeling righ t now, and can it be called happiness? Now think of what it would be like to lose that number one item. No how do you feel? The fact is we all want to have that feeling, that emotion of happiness. â€Å"We all live with the objective of being happy, out lives our different and yet the same† Anne Frank. Everyone wants happiness, everyone wants chocolate.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The best chocolate is the homemade kind; the best happiness is the kind that is worked for. The best kind of chocolate is ‘real’ chocolate. Something that I have often been told is that if you are going to do something then it is worth doing the best that you can.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Technology Education and National Development

TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION AND NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THE PLACE OF INFRASTRUCTURE BY SUBAIR, S. TAYO AND ASHIRU, AL-MAHROOF. OLASEEWO DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION FACULTY OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS AKOKA – LAGOS BEING A PAPER PRESENTED AT THE NIGERIAN ASSOCIATION FOR EDUCATIONAL ADMINISTRATION AND PLANNING (NAEAP) INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE VENUE:JULIUS BERGER AUDITORIUM UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS DATE:24TH – 27TH SEPTEMBER 2007 AbstractTechnology education has been defined as a continuous process of special education and training imparted in individuals for them to achieve socio-economic independence. One major essence of technology education is self-sustenance and social development. This paper takes a cursory look at the factors germane to functional technology education and its implications for national development, by examining the concepts of technology education, national development, infrastructure and goals of technology education.The paper goes further to as ses the development status of Nigeria, the relevant of infrastructure in the provision of viable technology education and some areas along policies, practices, attitudes, and sensitization of the public towards imbibing technology education that can foster national development. Introduction The basis of Nigeria’s philosophy of education is the integration of the individual into a sound and effective citizen, such a philosophy as articulated in the National Policy on Education (Federal Republic of Nigeria, 2004).The goal of national development is hardly realizable without technology, which serves as a vehicle for the acquisition of appropriate knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies of both mental and physical nature. This is equipment for the individual to live in his society, and to acquire a relevant and balanced knowledge of facts about local and world phenomena. The etymology of technology is from Greek word ‘tekhne’, which refers to an art or craft, a nd ‘logia’ which means area of study. Simply defined, technology is a science of crafting.Collins English Dictionary (2005, pg. 1675) defines technology as the application of practical or mechanical sciences to industry or commerce, the methods, theory and practices governing such application and the total knowledge and skills available to any human society. Education, as defined by Adesina, Fagbamiye and Talabi (1985) is a tool for the integration of the individuals effectively into a society to enable them achieve self social, economic, political, scientific, cultural and technological progress.Now, in the era of globalization, the growing importance of trans-border education provisions particularly, in the area of technology is quite understandable. Generally, stakeholders are anxious to see that educational institutions deliver what they should deliver and that what they deliver produces desirable outcomes. These desirable outcomes include, among others, changes in structures, attitudes and institutions as well as the acceleration of economic growth, the reduction of inequality and eradication of absolute poverty.Consequently, in addressing the issue of national development vis-a-vis technology education, it is of immense necessity to show the understanding of the phenomenon development and also to harness the indices of development before we can decide what we look out for in a developed, under-developed, developing nation and so on. The Concept of Technology Education According to Adeogun (2004), Ogunranti (1988) and Ukeje (1991), technology is the application of science and scientific knowledge to make the world more efficient using industrial methods.Technology can also be viewed as the sum of the ways in which a social group provides for themselves with the materials of civilization, thus science and technology go hand-in-hand. It could be considered permissible then to say that technology is a systematic approach in an integrated process to achieve practical purpose or achieve an end product. Hence, technology involves a practical engagement, that is, the act of doing, which is meant to solve human problems scientifically and systematically. Translated from its Latin root, ‘educo’ or ‘educare’, the word education means ‘to lead’. In other words, education implies showing the way.In principle, education is the process by which a person or group of persons lead in the act of acquiring new knowledge or experience. Ajelabi (2000) views education as implying the experience that a person gets in contact with or which one undergoes with or without the school. According to Collins Dictionary (2005, pg. 433), education is the act or process of imparting knowledge, especially at school, college or university, the art or process of acquiring knowledge, the knowledge or training acquired by this process, the theory of teaching and learning; or a particular kind of special directives (inst ructions) or training.From the foregoing, an operational definition of technology education required for this paper projects technology education as a continuous process of special education, training and directives imparted in individuals for the development of innovative ideas to ensure socio-economic independence. It could be argued that the type of education which Nigeria pupils and students are exposed to at different levels of education in the school system today cannot favour the accomplishment of the Millennium Development Goals.This can be substantiated with the concern about quality which is uppermost in any educational discourse all over the world, and Nigeria in particular. The United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization (1999) observes that quality in education is a multi-dimensional concept which should embrace â€Å"all functions and activities: teaching, academic programmes, research and scholarship, staffing, students, buildings, facilities, equip ment, services to the community and academic environment†.To show that one is educated means that all aspects of his/her life is transformed to influence and be influenced by self, physical, social, political, economical and spiritual environments. For this reason, technology education should focus on productive skills that are saleable to the world, thus making such a country a power to associate with. The Concept of National Development National development is rooted in a force of change than can raise expectations, through sustainable and broad-based economic growth.It could also be perceived as the totality of all activities within a nation whose main goal is to raise the living standards and general well being of the people. Collins English Dictionary (2005, pg. 443) defines development as the act or process of growing or developing or the product of developing. The Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1996, pg 377) defines development as growing or becoming mor e advanced or a recent important event which is the latest in a series of related events.For the purpose of this paper, national development means the satisfaction and sustenance of the social, political and economic needs of the people of a state (nation). It could also be thought of as planned activities which focus on increasing and enlarging the capacities so that they can successfully handle greater positions in a nation. National development usually focuses on improving the conceptual skills – the intellectual and abilities needed to handle complex situations and do a better job.With economic needs, a change in the economic and social super-structure of the society is guaranteed. It is an improvement in the techniques of production in the consumption choices open to the average citizen, in the health of the citizen, in the behaviour of citizen and so on. It involves both quantitative and non-quantitative aspects. Also, it involves reduction in income inequality, unemplo yment and poverty (Adeogun, 2003).Bannock (1977) opines that economic development is related to the process of growth in total and per capita income of developing nations accompanied by fundamental changes in the structures of their economies. Accordingly, these changes generally consist of the increasing importance of industrial, as opposed to agricultural, activity, reduction of dependence on imports from the more advanced producer and consumer goods, and dependence on agricultural or mineral products as main exports, and a diminishing reliance on aids from other countries.Accompanying this economic process are attendant political and socio-cultural reforms aimed at resolving such problems as cultural deprivation, ignorance, political instability and poverty. Thus, national development can be perceived as the totality of all the activities within a nation whose main goal is to raise the living standards and general well-being of the people. The Concept of Infrastructure According to Coombs (1991), the educational system is a function of the quality and quantity of inputs. Of significance are the buildings, equipment and space.This view gains the endorsement of Ejiogu (1984) and Nwagwu (1983) who note that of the four important factors in an attempt to balance the qualitative and quantitative growth of any educational system is the quality and number of infrastructure in the form of buildings, machinery and equipment; their maximal usage and proper maintenance culture of the students, staff and community members that use such facilities. Infrastructure, as stated by Ehiametalor (2001) are the operational inputs of every instructional programme and they constitute elements that are necessary for teaching and learning.Such include buildings, laboratories, machinery, furniture and electrical fixtures. In specific terms, Bosah (1997) opines that infrastructure represent the empirical relevance of the totality of the school environment for the realization of the s chool business. He identifies the following as components of infrastructure: landscape, playgrounds, buildings – classrooms, library, laboratory blocks, health blocks, toilets, hostels, administrative blocks and so on; utilities such as electricity, pipe-borne water and security facilities – walls (fences), gates, telephone and alarm system.From the above, infrastructure can be considered the basic systems and services that are necessary for an organization, for example, buildings, transport, water and power supplies and administrative systems. These are things that represent the aesthetic picture of the school conveyed by the position of structures in relation to one another. Goals of Technology Education The goals of technology education include: -understanding the principles and dynamics of technology; understanding the principles of tool construction, processes of technology and modes of dissemination; -developing intellectual processes of technology and their rela tion with other systems such as communication, economics, science, industry and society; -acquiring skills such as instrumentation production, maintenance, creativity, designing and communication; -mastering of technology-oriented forms of general and specific problem-solving; -producing technologically literate people; and -producing products that are employable and equally those who would proceed to higher education (Busari, 2004).It is important to appreciate the interpretation of these goals in the policies and practices of technology education in Nigeria. The policy guidelines set by the government for achieving the objectives are provision of basic tools for educational advancement including preparation for crafts of the locality, provision of curricular activities like teaching of science, local crafts, domestic science and agriculture, and provision of qualified teachers to handle technology education subjects. An Assessment of the Development Status of Nigeria In assessing the indices, criteria or factors responsible for the lassification of any country as being either developing or developed, it becomes imperative to understand the underlying key concepts: development, developing, under-developed, least developed, third world or fourth world and developed countries. Development can be regarded as the process of improving human welfare. Hence, the goals of development include: -balanced healthful diet; -adequate medical care; -labour opportunities commensurate with individual talents; -environmental sanitation and disease control; -sufficient educational opportunities; -reduced infant mortality; -decent housing; social and political participation promoting equality (United Nations, 2003). Developing countries are characterized by high rate debts, low level of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), low standard of living, low level of productivity and low level of health, low level of investment; high dependency on the agriculture production and high vulnerabil ity for external shocks. Least Developed Countries (LDC) generally suffer conditions of extreme poverty, ongoing and widespread conflict (including civil war or ethnic clashes), extensive political corruption and lack of political and social stability.The form of government in such countries is often authoritarian in nature, and may comprise dictatorship, warlordism or a kleptocrazy (United Nations, 2003). The Relevance of Infrastructure in the Provision of Viable Technology Education With the present scope of technology in Nigerian classrooms, there are few technical schools and few universities where technology education is made available. It is lamentably sad to observe that the available infrastructure in the available technical colleges and universities of technology is inadequate when compared with the expected functions of such institutions of learning.No doubt that infrastructure comprises things that are used directly or indirectly for the purposes of supporting, facilitati ng, influencing or encouraging transmission or acquisition of knowledge, competencies, skills and know-how. When we think of the poor state of this infrastructure, a question tends to come to mind – is the government actually interested in building this nation? This is just that there appears to be a gap between the policy statements and policy implementation.Lending credence to this is Busari (2004) who observes that institutions (technical colleges, universities, etc) where technology education is run are given little or lip support because they are viewed as any other education programme providers. The lackadaisical attitude of related agencies responsible for the functionalism of technology education is evidenced by the fact that the required infrastructure that would make technology education operational are either inadequate or non-existing. If technology education would facilitate national development, the quality of the manpower available for the performance of such t asks will dictate.As reported by Subair (2004), even the universities of technology experienced a face-lift just because of the accreditation exercise embarked upon by the National Universities Commission (NUC), a body established by the Federal Government in 1962 for the purpose of quality university education. He opines that experiences of the students are better expressed when adequate provision of required infrastructure is made with due consideration for some factors such as students’ population, student-teacher ratio, minimum studio stage per student, drawing boards per student, etc and student work experience practice in particular.The country is now faced with the stark realities of her poor technological base, which manifests in all fronts, ranging from poor economy, inability to properly maintain facilities inherited from colonial masters, to bad educational planning (Odeyemi, 1996). The incessant scarcity of petroleum products, epileptic supply of electricity, bad roads, flooding, and so on points to the fact that this country seriously needs to embrace and appreciate technology education. The resultant effects of Nigeria’s state of technological development are being felt in other sectors of our economy uch as the agricultural sector, industrial sector, building and construction, health and infrastructural sector – water, road, telecommunication and electricity. The bite is much felt due to lack of the necessary technical know-how to maintain the existing infrastructure and fabricate spare parts to maintain the heavy duty and medium size plants. Moreover, the frequent stealing and vandalization of Power Holding Company of Nigeria’s (PHCN) equipment for example is traceable to the inability to produce them locally. Obviously, there will be no market for the stolen ones if the country is able to produce in large quantities.As Oguntoye (2004) comments: There is no doubt that Nigeria has made tremendous leaps forward in educ ational development, especially with regard to quantitative expansion, are probably more than those we faced before the Ashby Commission of 1960. The physical structures may be available (they are in short supply). The problem is not that people are unwilling to send their kids to school, may not be the curriculum, may not even be quantity of trained personnel, but the critical problem is attitudinal, wrong value-orientation, wanting to cut corners, acquiring the certificates without acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies (pg. – 8). It becomes important to say here that if Nigeria as a nation is to be a developed and modern nation, it needs to be rational. A rational society is one which regards people as having the knowledge and ability to control their own destinies. Controlling one’s destiny without depending on other countries for one’s basic needs is self-reliance, a supposed target or goal of technology education.Consequently, the focus now should be acquisition of thorough knowledge, skills, competencies and know-how capable of transforming and encouraging people to develop openness to new experience, readiness to social change, placing higher value on technology education and aspiring to high levels of industrial attainment, understanding the logic underlying production and industry; placing high value on technical skill and accepting it as a basis for the distribution of rewards, and a basic trust in the calculating of the surrounding world, and that people and institutions can be relied upon to meet their obligations.Conclusion Attaining national development depends on three things that are considered most important. One is that education, particularly technology education which is the source of high levels of human capital accumulation, should be heavily invested in to generate the human resources Nigeria needs as the ‘engine’ for growth. There should be active government involvement or intervention that will encourage enormous investments in human capital, educating large skilled manpower able to absorb and adapt the most advanced technology.Secondly, Nigerians should know that modern societies are science and technology driven. There is no reason why we cannot set target year for achieving technology education for all. Such focus will make Nigerians think scientifically and technologically, the resultant effects of which will be change in our attitude and belief system, worthwhile social, economic, political and cultural lives, culminating into poverty alleviation, economic progress that will touch millions of Nigerians.Thirdly, irrespective of the level of education, the students are the core input into our educational institutions and the quality of the output (students) depends largely on the provision of infrastructures capable of directly or indirectly supporting, facilitating, influencing and encouraging the development of their potentials. Therefore, the knowledge, skills, compe tences and attitudes students acquire for life can make them fit into the cultural, social, economic and political contexts of the society in which they live, and to work and employment.It can all be summarily put that quality of education is reflected in the fit between, on the one hand, the expectations of society expressed in the general and specific objective of education, and on the other, the actual characteristics of the educational process (technology education) and the changes observed at the students’ level. References Adeogun, A. A. (2003). Economics of education. Lagos: Olatunji Publishing Press. Ajelabi, A. (2000). Essentials of educational technology. Lagos: Raytel Communications Ltd. Bannock, A. O. (1977).Modern technology and students’ instinct development. New York: McGreen Publishing Company. Bosah, H. O. N. (1997). Improving school plant provision and administration in Nigeria school. N. I. Ogbonnaya and C. L. Ajagbaonwu (Eds. ) Major concepts and is sues in educational administration. NAEP Publication. Ibadan: Awemark Industrial Printers. Busari, O. O. (2004). Towards a rethink of science and technology education in Nigeria. Ejiogu A. (ed. ) Nigerian education and challenges of the 21st century. Lagos: Faculty of Education, University of Lagos.Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1996). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 377. Collins English Dictionary (2005). Glasgow: Harper Collins Publishers, pp. 443, 449, 1675. Coombs, Y. (1991). What is planning? Paris: IIEP UNESCO. Ehiametalor, E. T. (2001). School facilities: Management practice in Nigeria. N. A. Nwaguru, E. T. Ehiametalor, and M. A. Ogunu, M. Nwadiani (Eds. ) Current issues in educational management in Nigeria. Benin City, Nigeria: Nigerian Association for Educational Administration and Planning. Ejiogu, A. (ed. ) (2004).Nigerian education and challenges of the 21st century. Lagos: Faculty of Education, University of Lagos. Madumere, S. C. (1997). Educ ational planning and manpower development. Lagos: Samuel Printing Press. Nwagwu, N. A. (1978). Primary school administration. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications. Odeyemi, O. (1996). Technology as a vehicle for qualitiative education in Nigeria. Technology education Today 6(1 & 2), pp. 49 – 52. Ogunranti, A. (1988). Educational technology and curriculum development. Ogunranti, A. (ed. ) Problems and prospects of educational technology in Nigeria.Ibadan: Heinemann. Oguntoye, A. O. O. (2004). Education for national development self reliance in a deregulated economy. A paper presented at the 1st national conference of the School of Technical Education, Federal College of Education (Technical), Akoka. Subair, S. O. (2007). Infrastructure, students’ welfare and students’ motivation to learn in universities. An unpublished post-field report paper presented at the departmental seminar of the Educational Administration Department, University of Lagos, Akoka. Ukeje, B. O. ( 1991).Educational technology in the new national system of education. In Ajelabi, A. (2005). Essentials of educational technology. Lagos: Raytel Communications, p. 18. United Nations (2001). Road map towards the implementation of the United Nations millennium declaration. Retrieved Sept. 17, 2008 from http://www. un. org. /millenniumgoal. United Nations Development Programme (2003). Human development report. New York: University Press for UNDP. United Nations (2005). Jakarta Declaration on Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the pacific: The way forward 2015, Jakarta, 5 August 2005.

Monday, January 6, 2020

How to Make Permanent Black Ink

This is a simple recipe for a permanent black ink with just four basic ingredients. Black Ink Ingredients 1/2 tsp. lamp black (You can buy lamp black or carbon black or you can make your own by completely burning paper or wood.)1 egg yolk1 tsp. gum arabic1/2 cup honey Prepare the Black Ink Mix together the egg yolk, gum arabic, and honey.Stir in the lamp black. This will produce a thick paste which you can store in a sealed container.To use the ink, mix this paste with a small amount of water to achieve the desired consistency. Permanent black ink is not the only ink you can make at home. You can also make your own blue ink or non-toxic tattoo ink.