Sunday, December 29, 2019

An Explanation of Wechsler Intelligence Tests

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is an intelligence test which determines an individual childs  IQ, or intelligence quotient. It was developed by Dr. David Wechsler (1896-1981), who was the chief psychologist of New York Citys Bellevue Psychiatric Hospital. The test that is typically administered today is the 2014 revision of the test that was originally devised in 1949. It is known as WISC-V. Over the years, the WISC test has been updated several times, each time changing the name to represent the proper edition of the test. At times, some institutions will still utilize older versions of the test. In the latest WISC-V, there are new and separate Visual Spatial and Fluid Reasoning index scores, as well as  new measures of the following skills: Visual spatial abilityQuantitative fluid reasoningVisual working memoryRapid automatized naming/naming facilityVisual-verbal associative memory Dr. Wechsler developed two other commonly used intelligence tests: the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) and the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI). WPPSI is designed to assess children aged 3 to 7 years and 3 months. The WISC essentially outlines  students intellectual strengths and weaknesses and provides insight into their overall cognitive abilities and potential. The test also compares children to peers of a similar age. In the most general terms, the goal is to determine the potential for a child to grasp new information. While this assessment can be a great predictor of potential, the IQ level is, by no means, a guarantee of success or failure.   Where the Wechsler Test Is Used Private schools serving children in 4th through 9th grades often use WISC-V as part of their admissions testing procedures, which may be in place of, or in addition to, other admission testing like the SSAT. Those private schools that use it do so to determine both a childs intelligence and his or her performance in school relative to that intelligence level. What the Test Determines WISC determines a childs intellectual capabilities. It is frequently used to diagnose learning difference, such as  ADD or ADHD. The test also helps to assess strengths in order to determine  gifted children. The WISC test indices are verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed. The subtests allow precise modeling of a childs intellectual abilities and readiness for learning. Interpreting the Test Data Pearson Education, a company that sells the Wechsler testing products, also scores the tests. The clinical data that the tests provide helps the admissions staff develop a complete understanding of your childs intellectual strengths and weaknesses. However, the wide range of assessment scores can be daunting for many and difficult to understand. Not only do school officials, like teachers and admission representatives, need to understand these reports and what the scores mean, but also the parents.   According to the Pearson Education Website, there are options for the type of score reporting available for the WISC-V, which will provide a narrative explanation of the scores including (the following bullet points are quoted from the website): Narrative summary of the child’s background, history, and test behaviorsInterpretation of the Full Scale IQ and all primary, ancillary, and complementary index scoresIntegration of the reason for referral in test score interpretationRecommendations based on WISC–V performanceOptional Parent Summary Report Preparing for the Test Your child cannot prepare for WISC-V or other IQ tests by studying or reading. These tests are not designed to test what you know or how much you know, but rather, they are designed to determine the test-takers capacity to learn. Typically tests like the WISC consist of tasks that assess various measures of intelligence, including spatial recognition, analytical thinking, mathematical ability, and even short-term memory. As such, just make sure that your child gets plenty of rest and relaxation before the test. The school is accustomed to administering these tests and will instruct your child what to do at the appropriate time.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Riordan Electric Fan Proposal - 2681 Words

Riordan Electric Fan Proposal Riordan Electric Fan Proposal Olla S. Bartlett, Darjae Johnson, Thomas Williams University of Phoenix OPS/571 22 March 2012 Mahesh Singh Riordan Electric Fan Proposal Riordan Manufacturing manufactures many different plastic items ranging the gambit from medical devices, to bottles to electric fans. In the last year the Hangzhou plant has averaged 93% in its on-time deliveries (Apollo Group Inc., 2012). This proposal package will detail a plan for obtaining Riordan’s goal of 99% on-time delivery of the electric fans and reduce the on-hand stock of inventory to reduce costs (Apollo Group Inc., 2012). The proposal will detail a Materials Requirement Plan (MRP), a new process†¦show more content†¦The purpose of the lean production model is to eliminate the waste created during the manufacturing process and to increase the quality of the products (Continental Design and Engineering, 2008). This is done by streamlining the process and eventually reduces costs and production times. There are seven different types of waste identified by lean production: over production, inventory, conveyance, correction, motion, processing and waiti ng (Continental Design and Engineering, 2008). Over production is not currently an issue that Riordan faces with the Hangzhou plant but always needs to be kept in consideration. Extra inventory that is produced and is not sold may need to be sold-off at reduced prices at a loss to the company or may go bad or become outdated and need to be dumped also at a loss. Careful monitoring of sales, historical and forecasted, and over-ordering of raw materials and parts to assemble the fans can be very expensive in the long run. By instituting a computerized MRP plan with a new flexible supply chain will help Riordan in reducing the chances of over production. Related to the over production issue is inventory. Excess inventory ties up funds not only in the stored inventory but the costs associated with storing the inventory. This waste issue is best controlled with methods similar to those of the over production issue. The moving of the plant from theShow MoreRelatedOps/571 Week 61430 Words   |  6 PagesProcess Design for Riordan Manufacturing OPS/571 â€Æ' Riordian Manufacturing, Inc. Hangzhou, China June 21, 2012 Motor, Inc. 1000 Last Class Flint, MI 900012 Dear CEO: At Riordan, the electric fan division has revised the process for supplying the electric fans. Part of Riordan’s operations planning, Riordan would implement aggregate operations. From Operations Management for Competitive Advantage (2006), â€Å"Aggregate operations planning involves translating annualRead MoreRiordan Manufacturing W6 Final1558 Words   |  7 PagesRiordan Manufacturing Process Design Proposal Package Description Riordan Manufacturing is in need of a new process for its manufacturing of electric fans. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Coca Cola and Innocent an Innocent Partnership Free Essays

This paper, alma to discuss and discover what brought Peeps- Co organization Interest upon a company that In appearance Is at their antipode. Coca-Cola and Innocent: what interest? It is public knowledge that the beverage giant Pepsi- co had their shares of scandals and marketing mishaps as already discussed during our week 2 assignment. A market segment whew re the organization is lacking presence and weight is the healthy segment and the image of â€Å"Innocence† is absent from the corporation brand. We will write a custom essay sample on Coca Cola and Innocent: an Innocent Partnership? or any similar topic only for you Order Now The Innocent company Brand image Is strong, co marred to competitor In salary market segments, due to the name strength which Implies In m y opinion, strong ethics, transparency and stakeholders respect. Coca cola, In perennial competition with Pepsi- co. Tries to gain market advantage, further eroded after the Pepsi â€Å"agreement to distribute Tamping Plus fruit- flavored beverage† (Beverage Industry, 2010). The acquisition of Interests in a Company such as Innocent (The Guardian, 200 Beverage Industry, 2010) could prove an interesting market entry for the soft drinks giant as we shall not forget Coca- Cola failed attempt to enter the European healthy drinks market. Since then the â€Å"company has tried to Improve its UK Image. How to cite Coca Cola and Innocent: an Innocent Partnership?, Papers